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Campus Engagement


Post-secondary education is an influential time for young adults around the globe. Through relational communication of the gospel, students are shaped into lifelong disciples of Christ to become leaders in the building and transformation of their communities. You could have a great impact among university students.


If you are passionate about working with young adults and/or have experience working with young adults and want to work alongside our staff or create a new program, then we have an opportunity for you. Those with previous campus ministry experience will be especially impactful. Volunteer opportunities and internships are also available for Campus Engagement.


Our international team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Cross-cultural training, administrative support and coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.

Opportunities listed below are available in short-term, mid-term and long-term appointments and can be volunteer or career.

RAN, ERDO and GlobalEd opportunities are designated with their corresponding logos.